The CNP Diet and Behavior Research Category consolidates research exploring the interconnected relationship between dietary intake and behavior. To view each original study on the open internet, click “Original.” To view the CNP-written abstract summary, click “CNP Summary.” While only some of the CNP-written abstract summaries are available below for free, all abstract summaries are available to CNP members through the CNP Library Membership.
Debate remains on whether interventions focusing on emotion-driven impulsiveness or psychosocial well-being are more effective at reducing unhealthy eating choices. Do et al. (2024) sought to examine the (separate) causal effects of emotion-driven impulsiveness and psychosocial well-being on the inclination for sweet and fat-rich foods in a population of European teenagers. The authors collected self-reported data on fat inclination (range: 0 to 72.6), sweet inclination (score range: 0 to 68.4), psychosocial well-being using the KINDLR Questionnaire, and emotion-driven eagerness using the UPPS-P negative urgency subscale, from a sample of 2065 participants in the IDEFICS/I.Family cohort (mean age: 13.4 years). Moreover, the authors investigated the potential presence of an indirect relationship between psychological well-being and the tendency to be inclined towards fats and sweets, which would be facilitated through emotion-driven impulsiveness. The authors noted that, in the hypothetical scenario where all adolescents possessed high levels of psychosocial well-being relative to poor ones, an average reduction in the inclination for sweet consumption would be observed, in addition to a more modest degree of reduction in the inclination for fats. Likewise, average fat and sweet inclination would decrease if all teenagers had higher levels of emotion-driven impulsiveness than low levels, as seen through the indirect effect of psychosocial well-being via emotion-driven impulsiveness for average sweet and fat inclination. The authors conclude that, regarding their research inquiry, an intervention aimed at emotion-driven impulsiveness would be somewhat more successful in lowering teenagers' inclination toward sweets and fat than those targeting psychosocial well-being.
Omega-3 supplementation reduces aggressive behavior: A meta-analytic review of randomized controlled trials
Eating Behaviors and Adiposity Indicators – Observations from the 2016/17 Examination of the Population Study of Women in Gothenburg
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The mediating effect of health behaviors on the association between job strain and mental health outcome: a national survey of police officers
One avocado per day as part of usual intake improves diet quality: Exploratory results from a randomized controlled trial
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Exposure to models’ negative facial expressions whilst eating a vegetable decreases women’s liking of the modelled vegetable, but not their desire to eat
The role of psychosocial well-being and emotion-driven impulsiveness in food choices of European adolescents
Breakfast skipping and timing of lunch and dinner: Relationship with BMI and obesity
Dietary trends among young adults during the COVID-19 lockdown: Socioeconomic and gender disparities
Snack quality and snack timing are associated with cardiometabolic blood markers: the ZOE PREDICT study
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
Eating behaviors, dietary patterns and weight status in emerging adulthood and longitudinal associations with eating behaviors in early childhood
Fat Sensation: Fatty Acid Taste and Olfaction Sensitivity and the Link with Disinhibited Eating Behaviour
Brain responses to nutrients are severely impaired and not reversed by weight loss in humans with obesity: A randomized crossover study
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Does obesity related eating behaviors only affect chronic diseases? A nationwide study of university students in China
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Sex differences in effects of mood, eating-related behaviors, and BMI on food appeal and desire to eat: A cross-sectional survey study
Mobile phone radiation deflects brain energy homeostasis and prompts human food ingestion
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
Food habits and associated risk factors of depressed patients with cardiovascular disease
Associations between hedonic hunger and BMI during a two-year behavioural weight loss trial
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
The cognitive, behavioral, and emotional aspects of eating habits and association with impulsivity, chronotype, anxiety, and depression: A cross-sectional study
The influence of the arrangement of different food images on participants’ attention: An experimental eye-tracking study
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
The impact of viewing a video with and without head phones on snack intake: A pilot study
Food choice patterns of long-haul truck drivers driving through Germany, a cross sectional study
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
Visual attention towards food during unplanned purchases – A pilot study using mobile eye tracking technology
How eating behavior, food stimuli and gender may affect visual attention - An eye tracking study
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
Preparation sequence of two snack components influences snack composition and calorie intake
Skipping breakfast is associated with overweight and obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
Healthy food choices are happy food choices: evidence from a real-life sample using smartphone based assessments
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
Gastrointestinal satiety signals I. An overview of gastrointestinal signals that influence food intake
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
Food craving, cortisol and ghrelin responses in modeling highly palatable snack intake in the laboratory
Within-day variability in negative affect moderates cue responsiveness in high-calorie snacking
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
Hedonic eating is associated with increased peripheral levels of ghrelin and the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol in healthy humans: a pilot study
Food cravings in food addiction: the distinct role of positive reinforcement
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
A short version of the Food Cravings Questionnaire-Trait: the FCQ-T-reduced