Welcome to The CNP Library Membership! Your membership provides you access to the only online searchable database in the world that consolidates research from multiple disciplines and informs your understanding of the diet-mental health relationship (DMHR) within nutritional psychology (NP).
In addition to supporting the CNP team’s daily efforts to identify, review, catalog, summarize, and incorporate new research into the NPRL, you’re playing a vital role in advancing this field and advocating for a nutritional component to mental healthcare by 2030! Your annual membership provides you with full access to the:
NPRL’s online database of links to over 3,000 DMHR/NP-related studies (expanding daily)
CNP-written summary of each study for improved comprehension
Weekly Research Announcement in Nutritional Psychology featuring six new studies and their summaries, a newly published CNP article in Nutritional Psychology, and an NP poem
Quarterly Newsletter containing news, articles, and videos spanning NP
Database tools to customize your ownpersonalized NP Library to save, sort, favorite, create notes, and print preferred select studies
Growing community and collaboration supporting your voice in shaping the field!
By subscribing to the CNP Library Membership, you contribute to the growing study of nutritional psychology, pursue professional development in NP, and gain access to a truly unique resource! Won’t you join us?
You are receiving this weekly research announcement because you are a CNP Library Member.
Greetings, CNP Library Member!
Welcome to your WEEKLY RESEARCH ANNOUNCEMENT in Nutritional Psychology!
This week’s research includes findings from 6 studies on the interconnections between:
Gut permeability and depressive illness
Eating disorders and depressive symptoms
Micronutrients and mental health
Food addiction and hyper-palatable/ultra-processed foods
The parent-child DMHR
Gut flora and mood
These summaries have been placed in the Nutritional Psychology Research Library (NPRL) and are searchable in your Library Membership Search console. Be sure to check out your weekly NP Poem at the end of the newsletter. Please let us know if you have studies we’d love to include within the NPRL (email editor@nutritional-psychology.org). Enjoy your week!
Major depressive disorder (MDD), being a complicated condition in nature, affects 280 million individuals globally and is a primary cause of disability. Numerous environmental variables, including medicines, nutrition, and microorganisms, have a role in the pathophysiology of depression disorders. The host immune system, genetics, and epigenetics are some of the contributors to the intricate underlying causes of depression. Alterations to intestinal microbiota and their metabolites affect how people with depressive disorders respond to stress and behave in social situations by influencing immune cell maturation and brain neurogenesis, which is mediated by epigenetic changes. In this study, Nohesara et al. (2023) address the possible contributions of dysregulated gut permeability to the emergence of depressive illnesses through changes in metabolites generated from the gut microbiota that have epigenetic consequences. In addition, the authors discuss how changes in the makeup of the gut microbiota might lead to epigenetic changes that can cause depressive illnesses. Focus is shed on the potential benefits of microbiota-derived metabolites, such as probiotics, butyrate (which acts as an epigenetic modifier), polyphenols, medications (such as antibiotics, antipsychotics, and antidepressants), maternal diet, and fecal microbiota transplantation, in mitigating depressive-like behaviors through altering the epigenetic landscape. Lastly, the authors review the difficulties and potential solutions connected to current treatment techniques for depressive disorders via microbiome-related epigenetic changes.
The awareness of eating disorders, or EDs, continues to rise in tandem with the growing recognition of depression as a worldwide public health problem. The symptoms of EDs and other mental health issues, such as depression, commonly coincide. Still, there is a dearth of research on the symptoms of depression and EDs in Tibetan students studying in China. To determine the relationship network between EDs and symptoms of depression, Wu et al. (2023) recruited students from two colleges (Tibetan n = 2,582, Han n = 1,743) to conduct their study. Study participants completed the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and the Eating Attitude Test-26 (EAT-26). The three main symptoms found through preliminary network analysis were “fatigue,” “desire to slim,” and “calorie awareness.” Suicide, appetite, anhedonia, body fat awareness, guilt, and food preoccupation, however, belonged to ‘bridge’ symptoms, i.e., symptoms that provide the links between the pathology of EDs and depression. The study found no discernible gender disparities in the network model. On the other hand, differences between the various ethnic groups were noted in the network structure. The authors deduce that preventing and managing EDs and symptoms of depression may be facilitated by concentrating intervention efforts on issues such as the individual’s pursuit of the ideal body type and the appetite issues that some students experience potentially due to moving away from home, adjusting to a new university environment, or adjusting to the diet made available by their school canteens. This may bring forth favorable outcomes by assisting students in maintaining mental and physical health. The authors conclude that their study sheds light on the role environmental impact plays in elevated levels of depression.
The costs of Depression and anxiety are rising. In an adult community environment, Blampied et al. (2023) looked at whether micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) reduced the symptoms of anxiety and Depression. For ten weeks, participants (n = 150) who reported functionally hindering symptoms of anxiety or Depression received either micronutrients or a placebo. The Generalised Anxiety Disorder Scale-7 (GAD-7), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), and Clinical Global Impression-Improvement Scale (CGII) were used as the primary outcome measures. Participants were also monitored online with routine phone calls with a professional psychologist. The authors noted no significant adverse events or increased suicide thoughts throughout the study, and participants showed a low dropout rate (8.7%). The results revealed that the micronutrient group improved considerably more quickly on the PHQ-9 and the GAD-7. Further analysis demonstrated that participant characteristics impacted time-by-group interactions; for those from lower socioeconomic categories, younger individuals, and those who had already attempted medical treatment, micronutrients offered the quickest benefit relative to placebo. With 49% of the micronutrient group and 44% of the placebo group being recognized responders on the CGII, there were no group differences at the end-point. Participants taking micronutrients had noticeably more bowel movements than those taking a placebo. The authors recognize the limitations to the generalizability of their results due to the improvement under placebo and the lack of official diagnosis. Nevertheless, all subjects improved despite having little contact with a doctor, albeit changes with micronutrients manifested more rapidly. Participants in particular subgroups responded less well to the placebo, indicating the areas where micronutrients may be most useful as a treatment. (CNP Article in Nutritional Psychology on this study can be found here).
Addiction is becoming understood scientifically. Even though the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) does not list food addiction as a disorder, studies on the subject have expanded significantly over the past 20 years. The Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS), created to quantify food addiction by evaluating DSM-5 criteria for drug use disorder in the context of food intake, is used extensively in this research. Gearhardt et al. (2023) present a recent analysis of two systematic reviews, including 281 studies from 36 countries, which revealed that 14% of adults and 12% of children worldwide have YFAS-measured food addiction. However, the degree of suggested addiction in children is unprecedented. This claimed prevalence is comparable to the levels of addiction documented for other legal drugs in adults (14% for alcohol and 18% for tobacco). YFAS found that the prevalence of food addiction approaches 32% in obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery and above 50% in patients with binge eating disorders in populations with clearly established clinical diagnoses. According to the YFAS, food addiction is linked to key elements of addiction, including mood dysregulation, impulsivity, reward-related brain dysfunction, worsened physical and mental health, and decreased quality of life. The authors conclude that convergent and consistent evidence supports the validity and clinical applicability of food addiction; nevertheless, it is less clear what kinds of foods are addictive. Despite the ambiguity, labeling certain foods as addictive may encourage study and change public perceptions of regulation.
The preferential ingestion of palatable meals (sugar- and fat-rich) is seen commonly in emotional eater (EE) children. Although the exact nature of EE development is unknown, EE may be influenced by the eating habits of parents as well as a child’s temperament. These interaction effects on EE have yet to be empirically investigated. Furthermore, rather than focusing on particular negative emotions like boredom, which has never been studied in this context, most studies have examined EE in reaction to a general “negative” mood. In order to predict the number of calories consumed by children aged 4–5 years in a laboratory setting, this study by Stone et al. (2023) sought to investigate the interactions between parent-reported non-responsive feeding practices (such as the use of food items as rewards, restricting certain foods due to negative health impacts, or using food for emotional control), induced mood conditions (boredom, sadness, control), and parent-reported child temperament (negative affect, effortful control, surgency). According to the results, children who participated in the control group ingested considerably fewer total calories than the bored children. Furthermore, compared to the control condition, children of parents who reported frequent use of food for emotion regulation and children with high negative affect consumed significantly more calories from sweet food when bored. Similarly, children with high negative affect and parents who reported infrequent use of food as a reward also consumed significantly more calories from sweet food when bored. The authors conclude that children’s snack food intake is potentially predicted by their emotions of boredom and that non-responsive feeding practices and negative affect in children are significant factors in the manifestation of this connection.
The reciprocal interaction between the gut and the brain, as well as the ways in which the prebiotics oligofructose and 2’fucosyllactose can change the makeup of microorganisms and mood, are subjects of growing attention. However, much remains to be learned about how oligopeptide and 2’fucosyllactose might alter the gut flora to enhance mood. In this 5-week, 4-arm, parallel, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study by Jackson et al. (2023), the authors assessed how oligofructose and 2’fucosyllactose, both separately and in combination with maltodextrin, affected the microbiological makeup and psychological condition of a working population. Ninety-two healthy people who suffered from mild to moderate depression and anxiety were recruited for this study. The subjects were randomized to receive 8 g/d of oligofructose plus 2 g/d of maltodextrin, 10 g/d of maltodextrin, 8 g/d of oligofructose plus 2 g/d of 2’fucosyllactose, or 2 g/d of 2’fucosyllactose plus 8 g/d of maltodextrin. Bowel habits, gastrointestinal symptoms, and emotional state indicators were among the secondary results, while the main measurements were modifications in the microbial load (fluorescence in situ hybridization-flow cytometry) and composition (16S ribosomal RNA sequencing). Analysis of the results revealed that the oligofructose and oligofructose/2’fucosyllactose treatments resulted in substantial increases in a number of bacterial taxa, including Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Roseburia, and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii. The bacterial taxa changed in a very diverse way when 2’fuscoyllactose was added. Between oligofructose, oligofructose/2’fucosyllactose combination, and 2’fucosyllactose interventions, significant improvements in Positive and Negative Affect Schedule scores, cortisol awakening response, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Y1 and Y2, and Beck Depression Inventory were observed. All mood state metrics were improved with both the oligofructose alone and the oligofructose/2’fuscosyllactose combination treatments, outperforming the solo 2’fuscosyllactose and maltodextrin. The authors comment that their study’s findings suggest that oligofructose and oligofructose/2’fucosyllactose combination can improve mood state metrics and change the microbial makeup in a positive way. To comprehend the essential microbiological distinctions that distinguish between individual responses to 2’fucosyllactose supplementation, more research is required.
Happy New Year! This past year has seen many advancements for our organization and the growth of the field of nutritional psychology. Since 2015, we've been working to identify and consolidate the world’s research on how diet influences all aspects of the diet-mental health relationship (DMHR) within nutritional psychology (NP). This exploration continues to confirm the intricate interconnections between what we eat and how we think, feel, and experience.
Our team is working to develop the infrastructure to develop and house findings that contribute to our understanding of these interconnections. We are identifying and consolidating research from multiple disciplines, categorizing these findings, and presenting these studies within the purview of NP. This endeavor supports the creation of field-specific language, methods, concepts, and future tools (NP 200 Series) to support the further development of NP.
View some of our efforts through our online Nutritional Psychology Research Library (NPRL), CNP Articles in Nutritional Psychology, and our advancing university-level Continuing Education.
Also, don't forget to review our recently updatedNutritional Psychology Educationweb page and learn more about the launch of our long-awaited second and third courses (NP 120 Part I and II). Get ready for NP 150 to be published in late Spring -- which completes the four-course Introductory Certificate in Nutritional Psychology (NP 100 Series)! The NP 100 Series curriculum signifies the theoretical basis for a field of study in nutritional psychology.
We've also published an updated What is Nutritional Psychologywebpage, accommodating the field’s evolving conceptualization. Check these pages for updates, follow us on our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, X, Linkedin, Youtube), or become a Library Member to receive weekly research summaries in NP. Thanks for being on this journey with us as we build our new community and its offerings!
Wishes for a happy 2024!
Ephi Lu
Executive Director, CNP
New Diet-Mental Health Break (DMHB) Video!
CNP’sYouTubechannel has posted a new DMHB video! In this video, we take a look at why some scientists are proposing that ultra-processed foods be classified as addictive substances. Although addictions to illicit drugs and alcohol tend to get the most publicity, scientists talk about many different kinds of addictions. These include tobacco, smoking, gambling, compulsive shopping, smartphones, internet, exercise, and many other types of addictions. Recent studies also show that individuals can display dietary intake behaviors that fulfill the definition of addiction – including binge eating, strong cravings, and inability to control food intake towards ultra-processed foods. Watch our newest Diet-Mental Health Break (DMHB) and spend two minutes to learn more...
The CNP blog is transforming into a formal publication entitled CNP Articles in Nutritional Psychology with its own ISSN (ISSN 2993-3773). The US Library of Congress now approves this online series of articles with its own International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), an eight-digit serial number used to identify our serial publication. For each CNP Article in Nutritional Psychology, our editorial board identifies studies of interest within the purview of nutritional psychology, reviews them, and summarizes them within the context of the diet-mental health relationship and NP. We develop illustrations to explain concepts and send the articles for review by CNP Reviewers. Take a look at some of our recent articles in nutritional psychology.
Introductory Certificate in Nutritional Psychology
49.5 CE Available in Nutritional Psychology!
NP 120 Part I& NP 120 Part II are nowLIVE! These two courses provide 39.5 CE for licensed psychologists, LMFTs, LCSWs, PCCs, and LEPs and are the second and third courses in the 4-course series within the Introductory Certificate in Nutritional Psychology (NP 100 Series). NP 120 Parts I & II introduce the first conceptual-based model integrating the microbiome with all aspects of psychological and mental health (i.e., the DMHR). Our team has worked tirelessly for nearly three years to bring you these evidence-based, continuing education, university-level courses explaining how and why the microbiome and DMHR interconnect with mental health. These courses include 22 voiced powerpoint videos and over 450 custom illustrations and figures to enhance learning in multiple modalities. Reviews for these courses are excellent! Note: NP 120 Part I is a prerequisite for NP 120 Part II (NP 110 is not but is strongly recommended).
NP 150 - Mechanisms in the Diet-mental Health Relationship is currently in development and will be the fourth and final course in this introductory certificate. These courses provide the theoretical foundation within nutritional psychology. The projected launch for NP 150 is in early 2024. The total Introductory Certificate in Nutritional Psychology is projected to be between 60 and 70 continuing education (CE) hours.
CNP Announcements
CNP Five-Year Approval to Sponsor Continuing Education for Psychologists!
CNP has just achieved 5-year approval to sponsor CE for psychologists! We are also approved to sponsor CE for licensed dietitians, LMFTs, LCSWs, PCCs, and LEPs.
Nutritional Psychology Research Library (NPRL) Welcomes New Director!
We welcome Dr. Karim Magharaby as NPRL Director. Dr. Magharaby supports the identification, categorization, and summarization of research abstracts published daily in NP, summarizes each study's abstract, and places it into its respective NPRL research category (e.g., ‘Diet-Cognitive Relationship'). He publishes the weekly research summary newsletter to CNP Library Members.
NP Translation into Spanish!
We are thrilled to share that we have embarked on the CNP expansion project into Spanish-speaking countries, aiming to make the CNP's content and information accessible to more healthcare professionals, patients, and interested individuals around the globe. We've kicked off by launching the official CNP Spanish-language Instagram account, and in the coming months, we will be translating the website and courses. Join us by following psicologianutricional.cnp on Instagram!
Thanks to CNP Team members Sofia Segal, Director of Spanish Translation, and Cassidy Axelrod for making this program possible!
New Educational Committee Member
Welcome Dr. Nanette Stroebel-Benschop to CNP’s Education Planning Committee! Nanette will assist in Continuing Education (CE) Program Development.
The CNP Library Membership is designed to provide learners with full access to evidence-based information in nutritional psychology. Who can benefit?
Students (writing reports) and educators (building curriculum)
Professionals (building expertise in the field)
Researchers (identifying research in the DMHR)
Journalists and bloggers (identifying content)
Anyone with an interest in developing their knowledge in NP
To find out more about how the CNP LM is used, please watch this 6-minute video tutorial.
When you become a CNP Member, you join an international community of like-minded individuals passionate about Nutritional Psychology. We are educators, students, professionals, and advocates, and we understand the potential Nutritional Psychology research, education, and tools have for changing both individual lives and the global mental healthcare system for the better.
When you become a CNP Member, you also support a valuable cause — The Center for Nutritional Psychology (CNP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and all of our proceeds go directly towards furthering the development of Nutritional Psychology. Your subscription helps us continue creating and expanding educational resources for kids and their parents, students, and educators, and professionals.
Thank you for your support in developing this field of study.
The CNP Library Membership is designed to be used by…
Mental health professionals looking to keep up-to-date with the field
Students to prepare reports, papers, theses, and dissertations
Educators to organize and consolidate research studies used in NP-related syllabi
Organizations seeking to use Nutritional Psychology research findings and trends to inform education, policy, and research
Journalists writing articles related to the Diet-Mental Health Relationship
Individuals interested in seeing the latest research on how diet affects all aspects of our mental health
Your membership subscription is renewed one year from the date of purchase and enrollment. You will be sent an email reminder 30 days before your subscription is set to renew. Should you wish to cancel at any time, your membership will be available to you for one year from the date of purchase, but will no longer renew. Each set of login credentials may only be used for one user, with the exception of the Organizations Plan, which allows for the addition of up to four users.
For additional information, please see our FAQ section below. By purchasing a CNP Membership, you certify that you have read and agree to the Membership Terms and Conditions.
This plan is for students who are currently enrolled in a college, university, or a part/full-time trade program. This membership gives students access to current research, and is an invaluable tool for understanding the field of nutritional psychology. The database is supportive for students writing papers, projects, theses, dissertations, and more.
This plan is for professionals and other individuals that are interested in gaining access to studies informing nutritional psychology. For those who work or are professionals in a mental health, nutrition, or related field, this membership can facilitate your knowledge of research being conducted in the DMHR.
This plan is for organizations who can benefit from multiple users obtaining access to the information within the Library Membership. It allows for up to five users. CNP’s Library Membership database benefits organizations by allowing them to stay up-to-date on current research, providing support for reaching their unique goals.
A: Our team spends a lot of time identifying, consolidating, and organizing scientific studies that inform elements characterizing the field of nutritional psychology and the diet-mental health relationship (DMHR). We look for studies that are recent, informative, and critical to building conceptualization in NP.
A: Not always, but frequently. The database provides links to original research abstracts. Full PDFs of each study can frequently be found in the link provided, or with a bit of additional searching, however, the central purpose of the Library Membership is to provide you with quick, convenient access to a carefully curated library of nutritional psychology research.
A: Yes. The CNP team constantly scours the planet for all things relevant to nutritional psychology. New studies and their CNP-written summaries are added daily.
A: CNP summaries are summaries of study abstracts written by CNP staff in an effort to increase readability for CNP learners and to increase the speed with which they can cover relevant research in the field. In this way, CNP aims to make research accessible for everyone.
A: The five research libraries that CNP Members gain access to are one of a kind; they specifically bring nutritional psychology research publications all to one place and make them easy to search, organize, and use. CNP staff have collectively spent thousands of hours hand-identifying and selecting studies for inclusion in the CNP research libraries, organizing them by category, and writing CNP summaries for ease of understanding. This is a valuable tool for using NP-related research in papers and projects, viewing scientific trends, and utilizing collective knowledge on NP.
A: Our team spends a lot of time identifying, consolidating, and organizing scientific studies that inform elements characterizing the field of nutritional psychology and the diet-mental health relationship (DMHR). We look for studies that are recent, informative, and critical to building conceptualization in NP.
A: Not always, but frequently. The database provides links to original research abstracts. Full PDFs of each study can frequently be found in the link provided, or with a bit of additional searching, however, the central purpose of the Library Membership is to provide you with quick, convenient access to a carefully curated library of nutritional psychology research.
A: Yes. The CNP team constantly scours the planet for all things relevant to nutritional psychology. New studies and their CNP-written summaries are added daily.
A: CNP summaries are summaries of study abstracts written by CNP staff in an effort to increase readability for CNP learners and to increase the speed with which they can cover relevant research in the field. In this way, CNP aims to make research accessible for everyone.
A: The five research libraries that CNP Members gain access to are one of a kind; they specifically bring nutritional psychology research publications all to one place and make them easy to search, organize, and use. CNP staff have collectively spent thousands of hours hand-identifying and selecting studies for inclusion in the CNP research libraries, organizing them by category, and writing CNP summaries for ease of understanding. This is a valuable tool for using NP-related research in papers and projects, viewing scientific trends, and utilizing collective knowledge on NP.
A: Beyond complete access to the customizable research database, CNP members get exclusive discounts on ALL CNP-sponsored courses, regular updates on developments in the field, direct access to our Diet-Mental Health Break research videos, opportunities for involvement with CNP, and the opportunity to join our community.
A: CNP is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All membership fees go directly towards the funding of additional educational resources and programs in nutritional psychology.
A: Your membership is automatically renewed at exactly one year from date of initial purchase. Member will be reminded of automatic renewal 30 days before automatic renewal. Member is responsible for cancelling.
A: All prospective CNP Members are asked to carefully review the information provided about the CNP Library Membership prior to purchasing their subscription. However, we understand that subscription purchases may be made in error and thus offer a 48-hour money-back guarantee. If you purchase your Library Membership in error, email CNP at contact@nutritional-psychology.org and request a refund within 48 hours from the time of purchase.
A: The Library Membership allows users not only to access the latest NP-related research, but also to work with all of these publications to suit their needs. Members can create their own custom lists, compile favorite publications, and view them by title, year, list, and citation. The platform also allows users to take notes on their saved publications, view full citations, and download key study information. These features maximize your ability to use NP research in the way that best fits you.
A: Subscribing to the CNP Library Membership can contribute to your career-oriented goals. By becoming a member, you have access to 3,000+ research publications — all of which inform our understanding of nutritional psychology and the diet-mental health relationship. As a professional in mental health, nutrition, or a related field, you can add value to your clients’ lives through education and the provision of relevant resources. *The CNP Library Membership is not designed as a treatment, preventative, or diagnostic tool. CNP promotes adherence to scope of practice guidelines within professionals’ respective fields.
A: The Library Membership provides a central hub of research from which to expand on. Whether the Library Membership be used for preparing curriculum, conducting research, conceptualizing speeches, writing articles for publication, or writing content for theses/dissertations, reports, and more — The CNP Library Membership gives all users the same organizational tool, creating efficiency and supporting students, professionals, and organizations in building knowledge of the field.
A: At present, the five users do not have access to each other’s lists. This facilitates clarity in organization and information storage.
Take another step towards developing your understanding of the relationship between diet and psychological health. Together, we can build a new model of mental healthcare to include this important piece of the puzzle.
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