The Faces of Nutritional Psychology

Personal Stories

The Faces of Nutritional Psychology is a collection of personal stories written by individuals who have experienced positive psychological well-being and mental health shifts in response to improving their dietary intake patterns. These written stories inspire and encourage others to strengthen their Diet-Mental Health Relationship through food. We invite you to share with the CNP Community how your dietary intake improvements have transformed your mood, behavior, and mental health (how you think, feel, and experience). Your story will be folded into the ongoing development of the field of Nutritional Psychology; it will help us advocate for future education and policy change and deepen our collective understanding of how diet can be used to transform the way we feel.


Veda's Story

Story Spotlight
Veda L.
Over time, I noticed that when I cut out gluten and focused on healthier, nutrient-dense foods, almost all my symptoms disappeared. It motivated me to say, Okay, this works.

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Rachel's Story

Story Spotlight
Rachel A.

As I changed my diet, I noticed changes in my cravings. I wasn’t getting as “hangry,” and my level of agitation started to calm down.

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The Duo

Story Spotlight
The Duo

When you fuel your body right, you realize it’s capable of so much more than when you’re fueling it improperly



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Nicky's Story

Story Spotlight

My experience with how nutrition has impacted my mood and mental health includes not only myself, but my hanai son as well.

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Danielle's Story

Story Spotlight

The self-efficacy I gained from changing my diet and losing weight bled into other areas of my life.

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Ellen's Story

Story Spotlight

My relationship with food has been complicated. I’ve seen food as my reward, enemy, guilty pleasure, fuel, addiction and nourishment. My story highlights that healing involves both the nutritional and psychological aspects of eating.

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Chelsea's Story

Story Spotlight

Not only do the foods I consume now help me to live a happier, more fulfilled life, but eating this way — taking responsibility for my mental health in a way that I can control — has given me a greater respect for myself. I respect my brain and body more, I respect food more, I even respect my relationships more — because I know they matter.

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