Organization Advocacy Form

    Organization Advocacy

    Does your institution or organization want to play a role in the development of the field of nutritional psychology?

    Nutritional psychology (NP) is the scientific field that examines the relationship between dietary intake patterns and psychological, cognitive, behavioral, cognitive-interoceptive, perceptual, and psychosocial functioning. It seeks to expand our understanding of the Diet-Mental Health Relationship (DMHR), and help support improvements in mood, behavior, and mental health.

    CNP developed of the first accredited and APA-approved university-level curriculum in Nutritional Psychology. We are currently advocating for the incorporation of NP into the future mental healthcare system. By completing and submitting this form, you indicate that your organization supports the development of NP and our advocacy for a nutritional component to mental healthcare by 2030.

    Thank you for your support.

    If you represent and organization which shares in CNP’s mission goal of improving the mental healthcare system and is interested in partnership possibilities in research, academics, healthcare, or similar areas, please contact us today.