Personal Stories of Success in How Food Can Change the Way We Feel


There’s no denying that what we eat affects how we feel. As research continues to reveal the profound relationship between diet and mental health, referred to as the diet-mental health relationship, people worldwide are experiencing transformative changes in how they think, feel, and experience mental wellness.

 The Faces of Nutritional Psychology is a collection of personal stories highlighting these transformations.

Experience + Research = Better Understanding

Real stories. Real inspiration, from real people — just like you.
Share your Diet-Mental Health Relationship story today.

Submission Criteria


We invite you to share how your Diet-Mental Health Relationship has impacted your mood, behavior, and mental health. By sharing your story, you encourage others to talk about their experiences, helping to normalize the conversation around diet and mental health. Your story might inspire someone to realize that their struggles and triumphs are more common than they think.

When more people share their stories of struggle, hope, and recovery, we can better understand and address the challenges faced by those with lived experiences. Your contribution will be part of the ongoing development of Nutritional Psychology, helping to advocate for future education and fostering a deeper understanding of how diet impacts how we feel.

Real stories. Real inspiration, from real people — just like you. Share your story today.


By sharing your story, you contribute an indispensable personal element to our battle to incorporate nutrition into mental healthcare. You support our approach to healthcare companies, insurance agencies, policymakers, and other influential bodies with more than research findings — critical personal narratives and individual interest in Nutritional Psychology.

Submit your story today.

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