The Faces of Nutritional Psychology is a collection of personal stories written by individuals who have experienced positive shifts in their psychological well-being and mental health in response to improving their dietary intake patterns. Collectively, these written stories inspire and encourage others to use food to improve how they feel.
There’s no denying that what we eat affects how we feel. As research continues to reveal the profound relationship between diet and mental health, people worldwide are experiencing transformative changes in how they think, feel, and experience mental wellness. The Faces of Nutritional Psychology is a collection of personal stories highlighting these transformations.
Whether we realize it or not, we’re in a committed relationship. A relationship that requires daily attention, constant learning, and pitfalls, joy, and negotiation. In nutritional psychology, this relationship is referred to as the ‘Diet-Mental Health Relationship.’ Most of us don’t talk about our relationship with food. For some of us if can be painful, for others, tiresome, for others a source of joy. Although this relationship is one of the most important and powerful relationship in our lives, many of us are not accustomed to talking about.
Visit the LibraryReal stories. Real inspiration, from real people — just like you. Share your story today.
Sharing your story is about helping others to learn about their own diet-mental health relationship through understanding your personal experiences with your own journey. how your improved diet has positively impacted the way you feel. What have been your biggest struggles with food? Have you experienced changes in how you feel with different styles of eating? If you could describe your diet-mental health relationship in one sentence, what would it be? Are you comfortable with the food in your life, or is it a source of stress?
We look forward to reading your story!
Talia Daneshrad
Food Science 2026, NYU
Director, The Faces of NP