CNP’s vision for the future of mental healthcare is a one that includes the role of diet in supporting mental health. CNP is working to fill the void in our current mental healthcare model by consolidating research, developing curriculum, and creating a methodology through which we can view the diet mental health relationship. In particular, the gaming industry gives everyone the experience of working with their weaknesses. But for this you need to study the topic
Nutritional Psychology curriculum in development provides professionals with psycho-educational tools to help their clients develop the cognitive, behavioral, and perceptual skills needed for understanding the effects their dietary intake patterns may be having on their mood, behavior and mental health. NP gives mental health professionals another important piece of the puzzle for supporting their clients’ mental health and well-being by helping them understand how and why they can use food as a tools to improve the way they feel.
CNP supports the development of ‘psycho-educational tools’ that help individuals develop new skills for increasing their understanding of how food impacts their mood, cognition, well-being and mental health.
The 3-Day Food Journal for Mood (3-DFJM) is a nutritional psychology tool designed
to help clients self-identify their macronutrient intake patterns. This tool helps us
identify how what we are eating can be affecting how we are feeling. Knowledge of this
tool will become increasingly necessary as clinicians work in conjunction with integrative
healthcare professionals to solve dietary-related behavioral problems and facilitate
behavioral change.
A central concept in the field of nutritional psychology is the “Blood Sugar-Adrenal Axis”
(BSAA). The Blood Sugar Adrenal Axis is a physiological hormone system in the body that is
activated by an individual’s daily dietary pattern, particularly by the Western dietary
intake pattern (processed foods, high sugar consumption, low vegetable intake). It describes
the physiological link between poor dietary intake and mood. The BSAA functional concept
forms the cornerstone by which we can interpret the effects of major food groups
(macronutrients) on mood.
Macronutrient Mood therapy (MMT) is a tool that is designed to help clients support their
mood from a dietary-mental health perspective. MMT involves the selective removal of dietary
factors associated with mood disturbance, and replaces these factors with increased intake
of dietary components associated with improved mood and mental health.
The 3-Day Food Journal for Mood (3-DFJM) is a nutritional psychology tool designed to help
clients to self-identify their macronutrient dietary intake patterns. This tool helps to
identify dietary factors that can lead to states of anxiety, depression, and fatigue.
Knowledge of this tool will become increasingly necessary as clinicians work in
conjunction with integrative healthcare professionals to solve dietary-related
behavioral problems and facilitate behavioral change.
A central concept in the field of nutritional psychology is the “Blood Sugar-Adrenal Axis”
(BSAA). The Blood Sugar Adrenal Axis is a physiological hormone system in the body that is
activated by an individual’s daily dietary pattern, particularly by the Western dietary
intake pattern (processed foods, high sugar consumption, low vegetable intake). It describes
the physiological link between poor dietary intake and mood. The BSAA functional concept
forms the cornerstone by which we can interpret the effects of major food groups
(macronutrients) on mood.
Macronutrient Mood therapy (MMT) is a tool that is designed to help clients support their
mood from a dietary-mental health perspective. MMT involves the selective removal of
dietary factors associated with mood disturbance, and replaces these factors with increased
intake of dietary components associated with improved mood and mental health.