I ,as the author and submitter of the submission, I agree to the following terms:
I am the author of this submission, which is written by me as a summary of an original source material (e.g., the original research study or book). I attest I have not created a summary based off another’s summary of the original work.
I understand that CNP requires the summary content to pertain directly to, or very closely to the field of Nutritional Psychology, i.e., the intersection between diet and mental health. Determination of the submission’s ‘closeness of fit’ is at the sole discretion of CNP editors.
My submission will not provide any institution, organization or company with any direct or peripheral financial gain.
I have not created this summary with the intention of directing traffic to my own or another’s website for the explicit purpose of drawing advertising exposure or revenue.
I understand that my submission may not create any conflict of interest with other organizations, companies/corporations, individuals, or institutions.
My submission is free of any actual or potential legal and copyright issues.
My submission is solely my original work, meaning its content was created and written in its entirety by me.
I have completed all sections of the submittal form, including attaching a copy of a working link to the original source material.
If I have attached a non-copyrighted image to accompany my submission, I assure that this image is royalty-free, non-copyrighted, and legal for CNP to post with my submission.
I understand that if I do not provide a non-copyrighted image for CNP to use with my summary, I accept CNP’s choice and placement of a graphic of their choosing to accompany the summary.
I understand that CNP reserves the right to reject my submission for any reason. Reasons can include that my submission is deemed a non-preferred topic, has unacceptable writing style/tone, or has content that is in some way deemed inappropriate for inclusion on the CNP website.
I understand that CNP is not required to provide me with any specific reason(s) for the rejection of my submission.
I understand that CNP will attempt to provide me with notice of whether or not my submission was accepted via email within 60 days of receipt of submission.
I understand that CNP is not accountable for not providing me with feedback in response to my submission.
I understand that there is no payment in any form for my submission, whether it is rejected, accepted or published on the CNP website.
I understand that if my submission requires editing changes considered by CNP editors to be above and beyond standard practice that it can be rejected (i.e., too many grammatical errors, poor writing style, or unsound content).
I understand that my submission must be free of any plagiarized, copyrighted material. If CNP suspects that any form of plagiarism or copyright infringement has occurred in my submission, it will be rejected without explanation.
Once published on the CNP website, either the author of the submission or the CNP editors have permission to remove it at any time.
Should the author wish to have the summary removed from the CNP website they can email CNP and request removal. CNP will make every effort to remove the summary from the website within a timely manner.
CNP editors reserve the right to remove posted content at any time, and for any reason. Material that is outdated, inaccurate, or no longer considered of interest to CNP for any reason can be removed without notification to authors.
I certify to the best of my knowledge that no information in the submission is intentionally or unintentionally false, copyrighted, or unethical in any manner.
I understand that submissions will be placed into a review cycle requiring email and/or phone communications between the author and CNP editors.
I understand that CNP will make every effort to notify me of my submission’s acceptance within 60 days, however if CNP editors fail to respond, I may not hold them accountable for their lack of response.
I understand that if my summary is accepted, it will be entered into an editing and review process that will require additional communication with CNP editors.