The CNP Research Category Towards Interdisciplinary Efforts consolidates research towards interdisciplinary efforts within the field. To view each original study on the open internet, click “Original.” To view the CNP-written abstract summary, click “CNP Summary.” While only some of the CNP-written abstract summaries are available below for free, all abstract summaries are available to CNP members through the CNP Library Membership.
Mogre et al. (2018) comment on the report that medical students and doctors have been insufficiently educated on nutrition during their training despite the many benefits of nutritional care in the medical sector (can reduce morbidities, mortalities, and overall medical costs). In this study, medical students were asked about their opinions on the doctors’ role in nutrition care and on the education they receive regarding nutrition. The sample included 23 fifth to final year medical students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University for Development Studies in Ghana. Semi-structured interviews on nutrition education were conducted with the students. Although the academics believed doctors have a crucial role to play in providing nutritional care to their patients, the nutritional education they received was not enough from their perspectives. Poor application of nutritional science was reported, as well as poor collaboration with dietary professionals. The students provided several suggestions for strategies to improve nutritional educational experiences. These included increasing the awareness of nutrition education’s importance, revision of the curriculum to include nutrition, and involving nutrition/dietician specialists in medical education. These are only some of the suggestions for addressing the barriers to nutrition education.
Dietary behavior: an interdisciplinary conceptual analysis and taxonomy
The emerging field of nutritional mental health: Inflammation, the microbiome, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial function
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
Perceptions of nutrition education in the current medical school curriculum
Why nutrition education is inadequate in the medical curriculum: A qualitative study of students' perspectives on barriers and strategies.
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
A comparison of attitudes towards complementary and alternative medicine between psychologists in Australia and Indonesia: A short report
"I've only just heard about it": Complementary and alternative medicine knowledge and educational needs of clinical psychologists in Indonesia
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
Editor’s introduction: Special series on nutrition and mental health
Healthy eating, physical activity, and sleep hygiene (HEPAS) as the winning triad for sustaining physical and mental health in patients at risk for or with neuropsychiatric disorders: Considerations for clinical practice
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
Nutritional therapy in practice for learning, behavioural and mood disorders
The state of the evidence for whole-system, multi-modality naturopathic medicine: A systematic scoping review