Please visit the NP 110, NP 120-I, NP 120-II, NP 150-I for course-specific questions and the
Membership page for questions about this program.

Is there a difference between nutritional psychology and nutritional psychiatry?

Yes. While some of the research informing these two fields overlaps, the fields of nutritional psychology and nutritional psychiatry are different (just as psychology and psychiatry are). Nutritional psychiatry is generally concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of psychiatric disorders using the science on diet and mental health. Nutritional psychology looks at the relationship between dietary and mental health more broadly and without focusing on clinical severity, and leans towards education over intervention.    

Is nutritional psychology part of psychology or nutrition?

Nutritional psychology is its own interdisciplinary field that spans psychology and nutrition, as well as elements of pharmacology, microbiology, psychiatry, immunology, and other health sciences. NP is aligned with principles of integrative health, and the newly emerging healthcare approach referred to as 'whole health.'

Is nutritional psychology evidence-based?

Yes. CNP utilizes an extensive body of peer-reviewed scientific research to inform and guide the development of this field. However, the specific tools, methods, and concepts used in nutritional psychology education have not yet been validated through research.

Does nutritional psychology involve treatment or intervention?

No. Nutritional psychology does not involve treatment, intervention, or "cures." NP uses psycho-nutritional tools to build individuals' internalized awareness of how the foods they are consuming contribute to the way they feel. This process advocates for an internalized shift in one’s understanding of the benefits of eating for nutritive value, rather than for convenience, impulse, or perceptual triggering. In doing so, NP aims to bypass some of the failure-prone demands associated with navigating the western diet (i.e., willpower and control). Nutritional psychology is designed to be complimentary to standard medical interventions and treatments supportive of mental health.

Can nutritional psychology cure illness and mental disorders?

NP is not designed to treat or cure mental illness, nor is it designed to replace therapeutic interventions by professionals trained to intervene in mental health disorders, illness, or mental crises. Rather, this field can help individuals increase their awareness of the effects that their dietary intake may be having on their mood, sense of well-being, and mental health. This educational process can support mental health, but is never to be used as a substitute for psychiatric or medical interventions. If you or someone you know is suffering from suicidal thoughts, please seek medical attention immediately.

How do I become a Nutritional Psychologist?

There is no formal title of “Nutritional Psychologist” in existence today. CNP has been working to develop the specialty of Nutritional Psychology and advocate for its use in the future of mental healthcare. We have begun building the new educational curriculum for students and mental health professionals, as well as the methods, concepts, tool, and scope of practice guidelines within the field. Part of our mission is to support the establishment of degree programs and a licensing board for Nutritional Psychology. To support this future, please consider taking two minutes to complete an NP Advocacy Form.

Can I contribute to the development of the field of NP?

Yes! There are several ways you can support the growth of Nutritional Psychology. Individuals with professional education and/or experience in areas related to Nutritional Psychology can apply to become CNP Contributors. These are volunteer positions to contribute to the development of the field. If you are interested in a volunteer position, please complete the application form here. Everyone, regardless of education and professional background, is invited to complete an NP Advocacy Form. By taking two minutes to submit this form, you lend your voice in support of Nutritional Psychology in education, healthcare, and policy. Finally, a great way to support NP is to spread the word! Please follow CNP and engage with our content across our online platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube.

Where can I get formal education in nutritional psychology?

CNP developed the first university-based curriculum in nutritional psychology for the Continuing Education (CE) program at John F. Kennedy University in 2008. This program evolved over the last 12 years to include a seven-course certification. In 2020, the authors elected to retire this long-standing program to make way for vastly updated research and conceptualization in the field of NP. In 2021, we released the first course in the next-generation nutritional psychology curriculum and certification. NP 110: Introduction to Nutritional Psychology Methods covers the foundational concepts, terms, and research findings in the field. It is designed for mental health and allied professionals, nutritionists, students, and other interested individuals. NP 110 is worth 8 CE credits and 10 CPE credits. We have also released NP 120 Parts I and II. This two-part course introduces the first evidence-based conceptual model linking the microbiota-gut-brain axis to the diet-mental health relationship. NP 150 Parts I and II will be finished and available for enrollment in June 2024. Together, these courses will comprise the Introductory Certificate in Nutritional Psychology (NP 100 Series).

Is there a Certificate in Nutritional Psychology?

NP Education is parsed into two developmental areas: The Introductory Certificate in Nutritional Psychology (NP 100 Series) which is theoretical and serves as the evidencelanguage and concepts informing nutritional psychology, and the NP 200 Series, which is the Applied Certificate in NP, providing the the structure, tools, and scope of practice necessary to provide DMHR support within the context of clinical practice. In 2021, we released the first course in this next-generation nutritional psychology curriculum and certification. NP 110: Introduction to Nutritional Psychology Methods covers the foundational concepts, terms, and research findings in the field. It is designed for mental health and allied professionals, nutritionists, students, and other interested individuals. NP 110 is worth 10 CE credits and 10 CPE credits. Since then, we have also released NP 120: Microbes in our Gut: An Evolutionary Journey into the World of the Microbiota Gut-Brain Axis and the DMHR Parts I and II. This two-part course introduces the first evidence-based conceptual model linking the microbiota-gut-brain axis to the diet-mental health relationship. Part I is worth 18.25 CE/CPE credits and Part II is worth 21.25 CE/CPE credits. NP 150: Gut-Brain Diet-Mental Health Connection: Exploring the Role of Microbiota from Neurodevelopment to Neurodegeneration Part I is now available and Part II is on the way! Together, these courses will comprise the Introductory Certificate in Nutritional Psychology (NP 100 Series). The NP 200 Series Certificate is applied and builds on the theoretical foundation established in the Introductory Certificate in Nutritional Psychology Certificate (NP 100 Series). The Advanced Certificate in Nutritional Psychology (NP 200 Series Certificate) facilitates the application of psychonutritional tools and education within clinical and applied settings. Scope of practice guidelines for nutrition and mental health professionals are provided to facilitate the appropriate inclusion of psychonutritional tools and education within the applied environments. More information regarding this certificate will be available in 2025, with the first course projected to launch in June of 2025. The Introductory Certificate in Nutritional Psychology is a prerequisite for courses within the NP 200 advanced certificate.

I didn't get to complete the JFKU Certificate in Nutritional Psychology before it was discontinued. Can I still get my certification?

If you are near completion in your certification, please email with proof of the courses you completed. Depending on your progress, you may be able to take NP 110: Introduction to Nutritional Psychology Methods to complete your certificate. Please note that we cannot guarantee credit.