The CNP Diet and Stress Research Category consolidates research exploring the interdependent relationship between dietary intake and stress. To view each original study on the open internet, click “Original.” To view the CNP-written abstract summary, click “CNP Summary.” While only some of the CNP-written abstract summaries are available below for free, all abstract summaries are available to CNP members through the CNP Library Membership.
Amino acids found in green tea, namely, L-theanine (L-THE), which has been linked to a number of health advantages, including enhancements of mood and cognition and a decrease in stress- and anxiety-like symptoms. In human randomized controlled trials, this systematic review by Williams et al. (2020) assessed the impact of oral dietary supplements containing pure L-THE on anxiety levels and stress reactions. Nine peer-reviewed journal articles where L-THE, used as a supplement and compared to controls, were selected using the PRISMA criteria (the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses). According to the authors, supplementing with 200–400 mg/day of L-THE may help persons who are exposed to stressful situations feel less stressed and anxious. Despite this conclusion, the authors recommend conducting more extensive clinical research with a bigger cohort, including trials in which L-THE is frequently introduced into the diet, in order to clinically support the use of L-THE as a therapeutic agent to lessen stress and anxiety in those exposed to stressful situations.
Berry consumption in relation to allostatic load in US adults: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2003-2010
Fat intake impairs the recovery of endothelial function following mental stress in young healthy adults
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Mediation of the association between disadvantaged neighborhoods and cortical microstructure by body mass index
Associations of specific types of fruit and vegetables with perceived stress in adults: The AusDiab study
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Powerful Stress Relieving Medicinal Plants for Anger, Anxiety, Depression, and Stress During Global Pandemic
The effects of green tea amino acid L-theanine consumption on the ability to manage stress and anxiety levels: A systematic review
Changes in dietary and lifestyle behaviors and mental stress among medical students upon Ramadan diurnal intermittent fasting: a prospective cohort study from Taif/Saudi Arabia
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Networks of stress, affect and eating behaviour: anticipated stress coping predicts goal-congruent eating in young adults
Stress-level glucocorticoids increase fasting hunger and decrease cerebral blood flow in regions regulating eating
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The effects of walnuts and academic stress on mental health, general well-being and the gut microbiota in a sample of university students: A randomised clinical trial
High salt intake activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, amplifies the stress response, and alters tissue glucocorticoid exposure in mice
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Feed your microbes to deal with stress: A psychobiotic diet impacts microbial stability and perceived stress in a healthy adult population
Effects of chronic stress on reinstatement of palatable food seeking: Sex differences and relationship to trait anxiety
Effect of fruit smoothie supplementation on psychological distress among people with substance use disorders receiving opioid agonist therapy: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial (FruktBAR)
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The effect of dietary patterns on mental distress in males and females: Results from a large cross-sectional study among an international sample
Impact of educational level on changes in dietary and lifestyle factors in relation to mental distress pre–and during COVID-19 pandemic
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Association between dietary pattern and perceived stress
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Chronic stress and oxidative stress as common factors of the pathogenesis of depression and Alzheimer's disease: The role of antioxidants in prevention and treatment
Diet, exercise, lifestyle, and mental distress among young and mature men and women: A repeated cross-sectional study
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
Stress, dietary patterns and cardiovascular disease: a mini-review
Customization of diet may promote exercise and improve mental wellbeing in mature adults: The role of exercise as a mediator
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Fruit and vegetable intake is inversely associated with perceived stress across the adult lifespan
Bidirectional relationship of stress and affect with physical activity and healthy eating
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Networks of stress, affect and eating behaviour: Anticipated stress coping predicts goal-congruent eating in young adults
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Early hippocampal volume loss as a marker of eventual memory deficits caused by repeated stress
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and sex hormones in chronic stress and obesity: pathophysiological and clinical aspects
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High/low cortisol reactivity and food intake in people with obesity and healthy weight
Stress, depression, diet, and the gut microbiota: Human-bacteria interactions at the core of psychoneuroimmunology and nutrition
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Perceived stress and diet quality in women of reproductive age: A systematic review and meta-analysis
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Diet quality for sodium and vegetables mediate effects of whole food diets on 8-week changes in stress load
The association between stress levels and food consumption among Iranian population
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Eating habits among medical students at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
Stress, eating and the reward system
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The effects of mental stress on non-insulin-dependent diabetes: Determining the relationship between catecholamine and adrenergic signals from stress, anxiety, and depression on the physiological changes in the pancreatic hormone secretion
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Eating behavior in response to acute stress
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Chronic stress exposure may affect the brain's response to high calorie food cues and predispose to obesogenic eating habits
Effects of anxiety on caloric intake and satiety-related brain activation in women and men
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
Food and mental health: Relationship between food and perceived stress and depressive symptoms among university students in the United Kingdom
CNP Research Summary can be found in the CNP Library Membership
Cookie or clementine? Psychophysiological stress reactivity and recovery after eating healthy and unhealthy comfort foods
Effect of academic stressors on eating habits among medical students in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia