Ramadan, Fasting, and Mental Health

The CNP Ramadan, Fasting, and Mental Health Research Category consolidates research exploring the interconnection between the spiritual practices associated with fasting, fasting practices, and mental health. To view each original study on the open internet, click “Original.” To view the CNP-written abstract summary, click “CNP Summary.” While only some CNP-written abstract summaries are available below for free, all abstract summaries are available to CNP members through the CNP Library Membership.


Alterations in anthropometric, inflammatory and mental health parameters during Ramadan intermittent fasting in a group of healthy people: a prospective cohort study.


Changes in dietary and lifestyle behaviors and mental stress among medical students upon Ramadan diurnal intermittent fasting: a prospective cohort study from Taif/Saudi Arabia


Effects of Ramadan intermittent fasting on gut microbiome: is the diet key?


Cortical thickness, neurocognitive, and body composition effects of fasting during Ramadan.


Eight weeks of intermittent fasting versus calorie restriction does not alter eating behaviors, mood, sleep quality, quality of life and cognitive performance in women with overweight


Effect of Ramadan fasting on fatigue, mood, sleepiness, and health-related quality of life of healthy young men in summer time in Germany: A prospective controlled study


To explore the association of Ramadan fasting with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress in people with diabetes.


The Effect of Ramadan Fasting on the Coping Strategies Used by Male Footballers Affiliated with the Tunisian First Professional League.


The effect of Ramadan fasting on mental health and some hormonal levels in healthy males.