Diet and Interoception

The CNP Diet and Interoception Research Category consolidates research exploring the interconnected relationship between dietary intake and interoception. To view each original study on the open internet, click “Original.” To view the CNP-written abstract summary, click “CNP Summary.” While only some of the CNP-written abstract summaries are available below for free, all abstract summaries are available to CNP members through the CNP Library Membership. Interoception is one of the six elements characterizing the field of Nutritional Psychology. Interoception plays a significant role in developing our understanding of the Diet-Mental Health Relationship (DMHR). Referred to as “the eighth sense,” Interoception is our perception of the internal physiological state of our body. Interoception pertains to the receiving, encoding, and representation of internal bodily signals in the brain, as well as their perception (Ceunen et al., 2016). Interoception encompasses the non-conscious bodily signals we experience, and our conscious perception of them. NP 110: Introduction to Nutritional Psychology Methods includes curriculum in Diet and Interoception.  



Adapted mindfulness training for interoception and adherence to the DASH Diet: A phase 2 randomized clinical trial



Appetite change profiles in depression exhibit differential relationships between systemic inflammation and activity in reward and interoceptive neurocircuitry


Internal states and interoception along a spectrum of eating disorder symptomology


General versus hunger/satiety-specific interoceptive sensibility in predicting disordered eating


Appetitive interoception, the hippocampus and western-style diet


Food consciousness intervention improves interoceptive sensitivity and expression of exteroception in women


Interoception and obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between interoception and BMI


Interoception, eating behaviour and body weight


Difficulties in emotion regulation and deficits in interoceptive awareness in moderate and severe obesity