Food and Mood: Is the Concept of ‘Hangry’ Real?

A recent study conducted in Austria used the method of experience sampling to examine the links between hunger and mood. Researchers asked participants to report their hunger and mood five times per day.

What is Hunger?

From a physiological point of view, hunger is a complex biological process that primarily revolves around regulating blood glucose levels and releasing hormones that control appetite and satiety.

some sources of hunger

Hungry and Angry

Hunger affects the behavior of both humans and animals. Observations of non-human animals show that food deprivation increases their motivation to engage in escalated and persistent aggression to acquire food. It is well-known among keepers of various animals that the animals are the most dangerous when hungry.

What is experience sampling?

ecological momentary assessment, involves collecting real-time participant data throughout their daily lives. Participants are prompted multiple times daily to report on their experiences, emotions, behaviors, or thoughts using electronic devices such as smartphones or specialized wearable devices. This method gives researchers insights into individuals’ subjective experiences in their natural settings.

experience sampling process

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